“God’s work, done in God’s way, will receive God’s supply.”
– Hudson Taylor
All gifts to Abide in Christ, Inc. are tax deductible under IRS 501 (c) (3) tax exempt status.
What Can You Do?
Partnership missions gives you an opportunity to become personally involved in what God is doing around the world.
Pray that our pastors and church leaders in Latin America will be led by the Holy Spirit to the locations where God is at work, and that we will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in each of these ministries. We receive many requests for these courses and evangelism workshops in neighboring countries. Please pray for the Lord’s guidance, direction and provision.
God Provides
When God calls, He provides. Hudson Taylor observed, “God’s work, done in God’s way, will receive God’s supply.” We have watched Him do exactly that for 56 years. He opens doors for teams, and then He almost startles them by the way He makes it all possible. As the Lord provides we seek to follow His direction in ministry. If He does not provide financially it is obvious that it is not where He wants us to work. In over 50 years of ministry the Lord has always provided exactly what is needed for the completion of His calling. When the Lord calls He equips, and provides for the ministry of those called. We can say with our whole heart, “I saw God do it!”
Financial Support
Give financially. We are a faith mission and are dependent upon your financial gifts. Please pray about becoming personally involved in he support of our mission. Consider a faith promise: “As long as the Lord provides I will give __ $25 __ $50 __ $100 or $ ___ a month.”
Abide in Christ, Inc.
PO Box 17921
Hattiesburg, MS 39404-7921