Are You One of the Elect of God?

Are You One of the Elect of God?

Are You One of the Elect of God? Jesus said, “All that the Father gives me shall come to Me; and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out” (John 6:37). The answer to the question, are you one of the elect of God, is answered by another question: Have you...
Have You Seen the Face of God

Have You Seen the Face of God

Have You Seen the Face of God? The disciples of Jesus saw His glory. They gazed into His character, which is the character of God. “The Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, glory as of the begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth”...
The Glory of God in Jesus Christ

The Glory of God in Jesus Christ

The Glory of God in Jesus Christ What do you think God the Son would say to God the Father during the night before He would lay down His life as atonement for the sin of the world? Imagine for a moment with me what the divine communication between God the Father and...
Saved by Grace!

Saved by Grace!

Saved by Grace! Saved by grace! There is no greater majestic theme for the Christian. It eliminates all grounds of boasting. Salvation by God’s sovereign grace gives a wonderful assurance. We have security in salvation because our sovereign God elected us in eternity,...
Behold, What Manner of Love

Behold, What Manner of Love

Behold, What Manner of Love Jesus wept at the tomb of His friend Lazarus. The Jewish people who saw Him responded to one another, “Behold, how He loved him” (John 11:35-36). H. Spurgeon said to his congregation in London, “Most of us here, I trust,...
Do you Seek a Deeper Life with God

Do you Seek a Deeper Life with God

Do you Seek a Deeper Life with God? The apostle Paul prayed, “That I may know Him . . .” (Philippians 3:10). The late missionary to South Africa Andrew Murray was a holy man. At one point in his life he was going through a painful experience. Murray was quiet for some...