Attitudes Toward the King

Attitudes Toward the King

Attitudes Toward the King What is your attitude toward the coming of Jesus Christ as the Messiah and Savior of the world? Mary the expectant mother of Jesus declared in song, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior . . .” (Luke 1:46-47)....
Wise Men Worship the King

Wise Men Worship the King

Wise Men Worship the King Wise still men worship the King. The longer I live the more I want to be around wise men. “Wise men,” more properly, “Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem” looking for the King of the Jews (Matthew 2:1-2). Since Herod had all of the...
God’s Christmas Tree

God’s Christmas Tree

God’s Christmas Tree God’s ultimate will is for every believer to be conformed to the likeness of His Son. The most powerful message of Christmas is the transforming grace of God in Jesus Christ. God’s Christmas tree is covered with the undefiled and sinless blood of...
The Genealogy of Jesus

The Genealogy of Jesus

The Genealogy of Jesus Are you up-to-date on your genealogy? Lots of families have their own historian who wants to delve into their family history and genealogy. The Jewish people throughout the early years of their history kept up with their genealogy because every...
God Will Save His People from Their Sins

God Will Save His People from Their Sins

God Will Save His People from Their Sins “A kind of moral relativism has taken over. Nothing is really wrong. If I have a good reason to do it, it’s not sin.” That is the modern attitude toward the righteousness of God. I get the impression that the church in our day...
A Virgin, Immanuel and the Incarnation

A Virgin, Immanuel and the Incarnation

A Virgin, Immanuel and the Incarnation Ahaz was faithless. Neighboring countries of Syria and Israel banned together to fight the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Ahaz, the king of Judah, sent for the king of Assyria to come to his rescue. The LORD God is sovereign in the...