“That we may present every person complete in Christ.”

Expect great things from God!
Attempt great things for God!
— William Carey



A Passion to Learn God’s Word

Nueva Amanecer Iglesia Evangelica

Above photo of Wil preaching at Nueva Amanecer Quichua Bilingual Church in Riobamba, Ecuador.

The Nueva Amanecer Quichua Church is one of my favorite churches. I am often invited to teach Bible doctrines and preach to this congregation. Alberto Copa is the pastor, and the church has a strong spiritually mature foundation. I have taught my course on Evangelism in Depth, and held conferences on how to maintain sound doctrine in the local church, key Bible doctrines, etc., over the past several years. A few weeks ago I had the privilege of being their speaker for Father’s Day celebration that included special music, entertaining fun-loving presentations and a focused message for the fathers.

Quichua Evangelical Churches in Ecuador
Children celebrating Father’s Day at Nueva Amanecer Evangelical Church. 
Abide in Christ Quichua evangelical mission work in Ecuador.

“Mariachi” singers at Nueva Amanecer celebrating Father’s Day.

Peniel Theological Seminary Riobamba, Ecuador
Saturday morning students enjoying a time of fellowship before classes.

This was a excellent way to finish up a mission trip that included personal evangelism, preaching in Quichua churches in San Juan de Guabo and Riobamba, and teaching a 40 hour seminary course on the Apostle Paul’s letters at the seminary extension in Pintag, Ecuador. I have taught several course to these students, and each time I leave with a profound love for them and their ministry. Most of the students are young college age.
Peniel Theological Seminary Pintag seminary extension
Quichua mother taking her final exam for the course on Paul’s letters at the Peniel Seminary Extension in Pintag, near the capital city of Quito, Ecuador.  

Several of these students bring their small children to the classes, otherwise, they could not attend. All of these students work at jobs from early morning until late in the afternoon before coming to class. It is evidence that these students have an enduring passion to learn God’s Word.

Quichua women receive their degree in Christian educationand women’s ministries at Peniel. 
Abide in Christ ministries at Peniel Theological Seminary

Abide in Christ women and youth ministries at Peniel Theological Seminary.

Practical personal evangelism in Ecuador.
Alejandro Guacho sharing Christ with a woman we met alongside a rural mountain road out from
the town of Chambo.

Alejandro and I were visiting a possible location for a future medical-dental team near the town of Chambo. It is an area where there is no evangelical work. A Quichua woman and a man had walked up the mountain road and were resting on a grassy knoll. I introduced myself and began talking to the man. I discovered he was an evangelical Christian believer, and was a faithful member of his church. I drew him aside while Alejandro began to ask the woman about her relationship with Jesus Christ. Alejandro was ready to share the Good News of Jesus Christ using the Roman Road. I cease to be amazed at how the Lord puts us in the right place at the right time to witness to God’s saving grace with the right person.

Wil taught a Saturday class for Professor Damaso on the Psalms. On each trip to Riobamba Wil has the opportunity to give an encouraging message on Bible themes to the students to motivate them.



ü  Praise the Lord! Property for the Riobamba campus has been paid in full.

ü  Pray for wisdom for building design, God’s provision of funds, and volunteer construction work teams.

ü  Pray for evangelism teams to go door to door witnessing in this unreached area of Riobamba. Our goal is to plant a new church and use the seminary building for worship services. Pray for Alejandro as he leads this ministry.

ü  7th Annual Abide in Christ Pastor Leadership Conference at Peniel Theological Seminary July 31-August 4 with Dr. Rick Cain and Wil Pounds.

ü  Evangelism in Depth, and Key Bible Doctrines Conference at Hebron Baptist Church in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, September 8-19.

ü  Pray for Alejandro Guacho and Peniel Seminary students at the new church startup in Alao, Ecuador. They are following-up on the medical team, and are encountering intense persecution by the catholic priest.

ü  New Peniel Seminary extension to begin classes in July in central Quito, Ecuador. I will be teaching in this new extension next year.

ü  Personal Evangelism in Depth conferences in Quichua churches.

ü  Bible conference in Guaranda, Ecuador in August.

ü  Seminary Course on Christology in August at Pintag extension.

ü  Third medical-dental team returns to Alao, Ecuador, October 13-22.

ü  Alberto and Nancy Copa, and professors at Peniel Theological Seminary in Riobamba.

ü  Wisdom for Wil and Ann Pounds as we seek the Lord’s direction for future ministries of Abide in Christ.
