Dressed for the New Life

Dressed for the New Life

Dressed for the New Life Are you dressed in grave clothes or wedding garments? Now that we have been saved by grace how then shall we live? How are we to walk in this new life? The apostle Paul uses an illustration in terms of taking off one set of clothes and putting...
Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices

Living Sacrifices The apostle Paul gives an urgent plea to believers in Christ “to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship” (Rom. 12:1). Paul makes such a plea based upon “the mercies of God.” We...
God’s Kind of Life

God’s Kind of Life

God’s Kind of Life God gives His kind of Life. From God’s eternal perspective the believer in Christ is already a finished work. From our human perspective in time and space, He is continuing to work the truth deeper and deeper into our hearts so He can conform us to...
Christ our Propitiation

Christ our Propitiation

Christ our Propitiation Please don’t let that title scare you off. That is a beautiful and profound word. Christ’s death turns away the wrath of God. The apostle Paul said Christ is our propitiation. He is a propitiatory sacrifice. It refers to what Christ did on our...
Christ our Sacrifice

Christ our Sacrifice

Christ our Sacrifice The Old Testament is full of sacrifices in which an innocent animal was killed. These were substitutionary sacrifices meaning that the death of the animal was in the place of someone else. Why was there such an emphasis in the Jewish writings? The...