How do You know when You are Spirit-filled?

How do You know when You are Spirit-filled?

The supreme mission of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus Christ. He glorifies the Son by unfolding clearly the meaning of His person and atoning work.

The work of the Spirit is Christocentric. He will glorify Christ and will never draw attention to Himself. He always declares the work of Christ.

The work of the Holy Spirit is always to glorify Christ. Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, “He shall glorify Me” (John 16:14). When the Spirit came upon the 120 in the upper room at Pentecost they immediately began to proclaim, not the Holy Spirit, but Jesus Christ is Lord. And they never ceased doing that.

How do you know when you are filled with the Spirit? You will be glorifying Jesus Christ in your everyday life and work. You are filled and under the control of the Spirit when Christ is Lord of your life. There is no greater joy than honoring Him every moment, every hour of the day.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to exalt Jesus Christ in the life of every born again believer. If your life is not bringing glory to Christ then you need to ask the hard questions: Am I a true Christian? Have I been converted? Is He Lord of my life? When you become a new creation in Christ Jesus the Holy Spirit immediately begins to recreate in your life the image of the glorified Savior. It is impossible to know Christ as your Savior and not to some extent reflect His character in your life.

The Holy Spirit communicates and shares with us the presence and power of the exalted Christ so that He is demonstrated in us as the Lord of glory. Jesus said, “He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you” (v. 14). The Holy Spirit is the person who takes the things of Christ and manifests them to us and through us to the Father’s glory.

This is evident in the life of every Christian, not just an elite few special people. In every true believer the glory of Christ should be seen because the Holy Spirit glorifies the Son of God in the weakness of the human flesh. The Spirit will make Christ apparent and glorious in us. We are a new creation in Christ Jesus.

The one sole objective in the work of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Christ. Whenever the Spirit is at work there will be evidence that Jesus Christ is being glorified. How do you know you are filled with the Spirit? You will see evidence in your life of Christ being reproduced. We see that proof most clearly in the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23). Christ will be exalted in your attitude, behavior, thinking, and manner of life. That is because of the ministry of the Holy Spirit is to exalt Christ in and through us.

Jesus Christ has been exalted to the highest place in heaven. God “highly exalted Him, and gave Him a name above every name” (Phil. 2:9). In the places where you often frequent is Jesus Christ exalted above every other name? Does your presence there bring honor and glory to Him alone? Does what you believe about God and your religion place the same emphasis the New Testament does on Jesus Christ? Do you in any way dilute the glory ascribed to Christ? Do you share His glory with some other religious leader or teacher?

The Holy Spirit always glorifies Christ. If I am Spirit-filled my life and teaching will always seek to glorify the Son of God. Is Jesus Christ being crowned with many crowns in my life? Is He glorified in the way I spend my time, where I go on the Internet, my pursuit of pleasure, the people with whom I associate, the movies I watch, the desires of my heart, the things I long for in my quiet moments, etc.? Are these under the control of the Spirit? Is Christ being made Lord of my life? It is the work of the Holy Spirit to bring every area of our lives under His control, and make it very plain when we are glorifying Jesus Christ. He also convicts us when it is clear we are not Christ-centered. He reproves us when we are tarnishing His glory.

How long does the Holy Spirit have to convict you of anything sinful before you repent? Do you immediately confess it to God and turn from it? Have you gotten into the habit of asking God to forgive, but not turning from the sin? That attitude will paralyze you spiritually. The Holy Spirit will keep coming back to that area of your life and working until you submit it to the lordship of Jesus Christ because that is one of the ways He can get the glory in your life.

Is the image of Jesus Christ clearly seen in your life? Is what you say and do glorifying the Son of God? Give the Spirit freedom in your life to probe deeply and empower you to change what needs to be changed.

How does the Holy Spirit glorify Christ? Jesus said, “He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you” (v. 14). The Holy Spirit exalts the Son of God as He reveals Him in all His fullness to men. The Spirit receives the truth, and fullness of Christ, and imparts it to the believer. God the Father is glorified in the Son and the Son is glorified in the Father. When I am Spirit-filled I am glorifying my Lord and Savior. God is glorified when I glorify the Son. The words and deeds of Jesus were the Father’s on words and deeds. In making the Son known, the Holy Spirit is at the same time making known the Father who is revealed in the Son.

Our greatest occupation as believers is with Jesus Christ and our personal and increasing knowledge of Him. The more we grow in that personal relationship with Him the more we are strengthened and shaped into His likeness. The greatest of all God’s work is the new creation of believers in the likeness of Christ.

How do we know when we are filled with the Spirit? We are under His control when we are glorifying Christ in our everyday life and work.


Message by Wil Pounds (c) 2006